What is Project Cargo and How is it Transported?

Shipping and cargo are two of the important sectors that help in the growth of a business venture and the economy as a whole. Project Cargo is one such initiative in the shipping and cargo sector that primarily focuses on larger cargo that is different from that of traditional cargo sizes.
What is Project Cargo?
Project Cargo encompasses shipments that require disassembly while transporting and reassembly of the shipment once it reaches the destination or port. This cargo is heavy when compared to traditional cargo weightage. Such cargo is also known as project forwarding or project logistics. They have an entirely different procedure when compared to normal cargo shipping services. Project cargo is having the size of the cargo be more than 40 ft, which is more than the normal range of 20 ft-40 ft. Special transport systems are used for shipping cargo in Project Cargo. The unloading, loading, and transferring processes are done with the help of cranes, trucks, rails, planes, etc.
Particularities of Project Cargo
Overweight and oversized cargoes
When the cargoes are of a much higher denomination than the traditional cargo, it immediately calls for project cargo. Such high-size cargo requires special consideration and transportation conditions that are entirely different from the normal stages of operation. Accessorized transportation like cranes, forklifts, and other kinds of specialised lifting equipment is used for the safe loading and unloading of cargo and transporting it intact to the destination port. There is also a need for a detailed study on the cargo pertaining to a complete engineering analysis, structural and geometrical placement of the cargo. Once these elements are studied in-depth, then the shipping route, assembly work, and adequate conditions can be calculated for the safe transhipment of the goods or cargo.
Construction equipment (cranes, front loaders, backhoes, etc.), pre-built homes, containers, and construction elements (bridge beams, generators, windmill propellers, rocket stages, industrial equipment) are a few examples of overweight or oversized loads.
Sensitive goods
Sensitive goods, as the name suggests, mean goods that need crucial and vital care while transporting. These goods are easily susceptible to damage and need that extra hand to deliver them in one piece to the destination. Special consideration has to be given to goods in all stages of transportation, like loading, transporting, off-loading, assembling, etc. Sensitive goods are always considered for Project Cargo, primarily because of the need for in-depth planning for transporting these goods safely and collected to the destination port. Customized conditions for transportation are considered depending on the degree of sensitivity of the entire shipment. Some ways through which extra care is given for sensitive goods or project cargo transshipment are:
- Proper and considerate weight distribution where the cargo is placed.
- Extra-stuffing to evidently secure cargo from moving around and avoid jerks.
- Temperature control as required by the substance in the cargo.
- Proper ventilation measures.
Break Bulk
Break Bulk is those goods that can’t be transported as one whole piece and require dismantling in order to be transported. This can’t go as one cargo; instead it's broken up into different container packings. These kinds of cargo or transshipments include goods like big machinery equipment, yachts, train carriages, vehicles and their components, etc.
How to handle project cargo?
Pre-Planning is key:
Handling cargo that is beyond the usual dimensions definitely requires a varied planning strategy beforehand, to ensure smooth delivery of the same to the destination port. Through such pre-planning strategies, one can save on expenses incurred on shipping and can curb the chances of untoward events. It also helps in coordinating better concerning the delivery of the cargo without much delay.
Choose a quality transportation provider:
The transportation provider is considered effective when they have a
- Good engineering team
- Financial soundness to take care of liabilities and risks
- Previous experience of handling cargos in similar nature
- Provides quick response time
- Honest pricing of services
- Impeccable execution
Strategic Approach
The transporter should have a well-scheduled plan before attempting to take up deliveries of goods related to Project Cargo, as it is quite different from the usual shipments. As the goods dealt with are of higher dimensions and of a much more sensitive nature, a Plan B in times of unprecedented events has to be devised way before the shipment or cargo is considered.
The execution
The execution of the delivery of project cargo also has to be done with precise care. All the customs clearance formalities and respective documentation have to be taken care of by the shipment provider before the shipment progresses. Automation in tracking systems will help the vendors or customers to be informed about the movement of the cargo and delays, if any.
Sohar Shipping has been in the sector for the past 38 years and has delivered around one million successful shipments. They have become synonymous with the shipping and project cargo services in Oman and are increasing their foothold in the global market as well. They have structured and formed their credibility in the field of shipping and cargo.
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